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How To... Compose An Email Message

In a previous edition we did a step by step guide on how to create an email account. Now that you have one, here is how to use it!

  1. Visit

  2. Type in your email address. When prompted type in your password.

  3. This will take you to the next screen which is your email Dashboard. This screen will list any emails in your inbox. Any new emails will automatically appear when you log in. The ones in bold font are new and you have not opened them before.

  1. To open and read a ‘bold email’ simply click anywhere on that email line.

  2. The full email will open and you can read it as it appears on your screen.

  3. When you have finished reading it, click the word ‘Inbox’ in the top left-hand side of the screen to return to your list of emails.

  4. In the top left-hand side there is a red button with the word ‘COMPOSE’ click this to start a new email message.

  5. A new screen will pop up. In the ‘To’ box you type the email address of the person you are messaging.

  1. In the ‘Subject’ box type a brief description about the email you are sending.

  2. The big open box at the bottom is where you type your actual message. This can be as long or as short as you need.

  1. To attach a file or a photo, click the paperclip image along the bottom of the message box. This will bring up a search screen of the files on your computer. Select the file you wish to attach and click ‘Open’.

  2. Finally, once you are done, simply click ‘SEND’. You are now sending and receiving emails. Congratulations!

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